Dataset Basics


The Datasets screen is a centralized point of access where you can create folders, upload files, and use MarketSight's inbuilt automated reporting tools. The screen has two panes. The navigational tree view in the left pane enables you to move between datasets, while the large informational pane on the right shows you the contents of any dataset you have selected on the left. Learn more about dataset formats and size, working with Excel datasets, uploading datasets and using automated reporting.


MarketSight Datasets


Create a Folder

If desired, you can organize your files in folders. To create a new folder:

  1. Click New (A)
  2. Select Folder
  3. Type in a name for the folder
  4. Click OK


Upload a Dataset

  1. Click New (A)
  2. Select Dataset
  3. Browse for your file
  4. If necessary, repeat the process for a metadata or data labeling file (recommended for Excel)
  5. If using an Excel dataset with open-end text responses, check the box to "Treat 'text' variables as categorical" (Note: this will exclude variables with all unique values, like Respondent ID.)
  6. Click OK to load


Add New Records or Respondents with Append

  1. Select your original or previous dataset in the left panel
  2. Click on Append Data (B)
  3. Follow the prompts (click here for more information on appending new respondents or new variables)


Import Work from a Previous Copy of a Dataset

  1. Select your new dataset in the left panel
  2. Click on Import (C)
  3. In the following prompt, select the old dataset where the work exists and the type of work you would like to bring over


Use Automated Reporting to Create Crosstabs, Charts, Data Views and Dashboards

  1. Select your dataset in the left panel
  2. Click on Run Automated Reports (D)
  3. Follow the prompts to select the type of reporting content you would like to make


View Dataset Contents

  1. If necessary, click on the + sign to open the folder
  2. Click once on the dataset name in the left pane
  3. Items in that dataset will appear in the pane on the right


See How Much Storage Space Remains in Your Account

  1. Look for the storage information (E) on the right side of the page
  2. The first number indicates the size of the selected dataset
  3. The second number indicates how much storage space is currently free


Hide MRV Predecessors (Prevent MRV Component Variables from Showing on the Variable List Page)


Hide MRV Precedent Variables in MarketSight

  1. Right click your dataset in the left panel
  2. Select Properties
  3. Check the box to Hide MRV Predecent Variables


Filter and Sort The Content Table

  1. To filter the items shown:
    1. Click on the down arrow next to a column header (for example, Type, Category)
    2. Select desired options
    3. Click Apply
  2. To sort, click on any column header


Delete Items

Warning: This step cannot be undone!

  1. Select the checkbox next to the items to be deleted
  2. Click Delete






Last Updated: 7/11/2019